Empowering you to make informed decisions

Wills & Estate Planning

Your story is important, let’s protect it

Lead with confidence & security

A well crafted estate plan protects more than just your assets – it safeguards your family's future and gives you control over important decisions. Whether you're just starting out or have complex family arrangements, estate planning ensures your wishes are respected.

From young families to business owners, we help you navigate key decisions about asset distribution, guardianship, and financial protection. We consider everything from tax effective structures to protecting vulnerable beneficiaries, ensuring your plan works as intended.

Without proper planning, your estate defaults to government legislation. Our fixed fee expertise helps you take control, creating clear avenues for asset protection and family succession.

Asset protection,
made simple.

The choices you make today will protect your family tomorrow.

Let’s make your life’s work count.

Our Expertise

Wills & Succession Planning Advice

  • Standard Wills

  • Complex Wills incorporating testamentary trusts such as:

    • Testamentary discretionary trusts

    • Super proceeds trusts

    • Education trusts

    • Protective trusts

    • Trusts for minors

    • Life estate trusts

    • Special disability trusts

  • Strategies (asset protection, tax
    minimisation, avoiding family disputes)

  • Provision for vulnerable beneficiaries

  • Guidance for the executors, trustees
    & guardians of minor children

Powers of Attorney

  • Enduring Powers of Attorney
    (Financial & Personal matters)

  • Appointment of Medical
    Treatment Decision Maker

  • Advance Care Directive

  • Tailored directions, conditions,
    authorisation, & limitations
    for attorneys & decision makers

Trusts, Superannuation, & Businesses

  • Succession of control of trusts, self-managed
    superannuation funds, & businesses

  • Advice regarding tax effective distribution
    of superannuation death benefits

  • Superannuation death benefit nominations


Asked Questions

  • Where a person dies in Victoria without leaving a valid will, their estate is distributed according to the laws of intestacy set out in the Administration and Probate Act 1958 which are based on the deceased’s relationships as the date of their death. Depending on the deceased person’s circumstances, this can sometimes result in their estate passing to unintended beneficiaries. This is why it’s important to have a valid Will, to ensure your estate is distributed in accordance with your wishes and the circumstances of the beneficiaries. 

  • As specialists in wills and estate, we are able to consider each client’s unique circumstances and provide advice and documentation specific to their circumstances. This generally takes into account tax planning, asset protection, and minimisation of disputes, amongst other relevant considerations.

  • A testamentary discretionary trust is where a beneficiary receives their inheritance on a discretionary trust created for their benefit and the benefit of their family, rather than receiving the inheritance into their personal name.  

    This can provide asset protection in some circumstances because the assets are not held by the beneficiary personally. This includes protection from creditors and bankruptcy if the beneficiary goes through financial difficulties. There can also be a degree of asset protection from family law proceedings if the beneficiary goes through a separation/divorce, depending on the circumstances. 

    This can also provide the beneficiary with the ability to split the income generated from the trust amongst their family members who are on a lower tax bracket (including their minor children), which may result in tax savings for their family.   

  • If you have a blended family, when undertaking your estate planning you will need to carefully consider the possible competing interests of your partner, your children, and your stepchildren (if any). 

    There are a number of strategies that can be used to ensure fairness and to avoid disputes in blended families. It is very important to ensure you receive appropriate legal advice to ensure you minimise the risk of dispute between your beneficiaries.   

Ready to protect your future?